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Trainings - Meetings

If you're searching for rooms, may them be conference rooms, training rooms or meeting rooms, with or without accommodation, we will be pleased to help you find the best solution for your needs. Furthermore, when you make a booking at Vila Petra, you're not only making a reservation, you are hiring a service.

In Vila Petra, we have four rooms - Petra, Conferences and Green - with capacity up to 200, 30 and 12 people, respectively.

Other than that, we have plenty of technology options available, upon request, such as projector, TV, sound system and, of course, free WIFI in all the apartment hotel. Should you wish to book a "coffee break", this service is also available.

We will help you with all the process, taking into consideration all your needs and offering you suggestions that we think are adequate to your event.

To find out more, contact us, we will be pleased to help you.

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